The Cook Book Page
Zelda Bombs
1. A hollow ball to drill a hole in it to put the nails and gunpowder in it.
2. A wine bottle cork to place in the drilled hole in the ball.
3. Drill a small hole in the wine cork to place a fire cracker wick down through the cork and touching down in the gun powder.
4. A fire cracker wick to put down through the wine cork touching down into the gunpowder.
5. Put the wine cork with the wick in it the hole in the ball.
6. light it throw it and hide behind somthing thick and solid.
Ingredients and Materials.
Flourescent lights for growing it up first for 2 months with the lights on for 18 hours and then the lights off for 6 hours to grow the plants up.
Fox Farm soil.
clay pots.
100 - 120 watt light bulbs and pet store snake lamps.
tinfoil to tack up.
plastic tarps to tack up on the walls to protect the walls from molding in the foundation.
Place the seed in the dirt and water it a little each tie it gets a little dry .
use bottled clean water to give to the plant, when watering it.
to grow it up for 2 months you must keep the light on 18 hours and turn it of for 6 hours.
to flower the plant you must put the light on 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
After its done flowerig hang it upside down to dry the plant for all the THC to flow down into the buds.
Or when its 2 months into flowering just trim a couple buds off and they will grow right back, but dont trim it too much or it will die
Microbe shroom fusing
When you buy hydro shroom kits to grow magic mushrooms hydroponically, you can take advantage of breeding new strains fusing the spores together from two separate strains you first grow sterilely and sterilely pick them while sterilely placing the picked bloomed mushroom heads on two different completely sterile sheets of blank paper . you then place a sterile glass over each of the heads so there's no breeze blowing away the spores that will have nowhere else to go other than the paper it's placed on under the glass . You scrape up the spores with a sterile razor blade with sterile gloves on, putting both spores into a sterile vile filled with enough units of sterile filtered bottled water to be just right to mix the spores together, fusing the two different family microbes into 1 new microbe with a sterile mixer and suck up the liquid into a brand new syringe injecting the newly fused spore into a new pre sterilized vermiculite cake with a sterile safe injection port to then let inoculate for 3 weeks in the dark placing it in the hydro shroom aquarium on the hydroton pellets as sterile water splashes up threw the bottom of the cake it's growing off of feeding it nutrients to the rooting system. Placing it at a perfect aquarium temperature always working sterilely with it at all times or you will easily contaminate the whole generation. Before even starting to do the first grow you must prepare everything you bought by completely sterilizing all the equipment such as the aquarium and utensils you use before adding any nutrient ingredient, since microbe dust particles would've built up on all the equipment from sitting in stock inventory until purchased, so it's guarantee to be sterile and successful
Make Gun Powder
1. Charcoal. 15 grams in weight %15
2. Potassium Nitrate. 75 grams in weight %75
3. Solphur. 10 grams in weight %10
4. Water %50
5. Alcohol %50
6. Scale.
7. Dextrin 10 grams
8. Rotary Rock Tumbler/Ball Mill. $125
9. Marbles for inside the Ball Mill. $10
Weigh all 3 ingredients on a scale and then mix all ingredients in a Ball Mill for 12 hours with marbles in the ball mill container filled with the black powder. strain the powder from the marbles into a container.
Then take it out of the Ball Mill and add %50 water and %50 alcohol and mix it yourself in a container.
put it in a warm place for 3 days , then put the substance on tinfoil and let it dry out , After it is dry put it all in the Ball Mill for 6 Hours then take it out and add 5 grams of Dextrin and granulate it with water and alcohol and mix it again and press the black powder by strainer making it go throught the strainer onto the tinfoil and dry it all again in a warm place...And your done.
If you want a bigger batch then double it by keeping it all at %15 charcoal, %75 potassium nitrate and %10 Sulphur.
Spore syringes
Submurgable water heater
4 Litres of nutirient enriched hydroton pellets
a water tank
Pre-serilized substrate cakes
digital thermometer temperature gauge with remote probe
hydroponic air stone filter and cler tubing conduit
Oxygenation pump with air filter
1. first put the rubber sterile gloves on before touching anything or you will infect the ecosystem and the mushrooms.
2. Wipe down the inside of the tank along with the inside of the lid before adding the nutrients.
3. Sterlize the water heater with rubbing alocohol along with the other equipment with gloves on.
4. Put the hydroton pellets in the tank with filtered bottled water.
5. Place the tube from the air pump and put the tubing down through the hydroton.
6. Place the submurgable water heater down in tho water and the hydroton pellets.
7. Inject spores into substrate cakes and enochulate them in the dark for 3 weeks.
8. place the temperature at 70 - 71 degrees fahrenheit.
9. put the mushroom light on/ Theralite.
10. Put the stone filter at the bottom of the hydroton pellets.
And Let Your Shrooms Grow .