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The 21st Century Surveillance Weapon

August 20, 2014 at 12:10am



Thousands of People WorldWide do not know how this new and improved NSA Surveillance Weapon Disturbingly works and constantly monitors you on an every day all day basis whether you've red flagged the system to target yourselves or not. Here are the following items that have been all technologically updated to spy on you all day every day, with you not being able to acknowledge the creepy facts of there tactics and presence.

-Your LandLine Phones

-All Cellphones

-All GameBoys

-Your Xbox360

-YourPS3 and PS4

-Your IPods

-Your Laptops

- Your Mac Books

-Your BlackBerrys

-Your newer flat screen TV's

-Your Security Home Systems

-Your On Star Car Add On

-Your BlueTooth

-Your Cable Boxes From Bell

-Your many other electronic apple products.

- and anything else that is Internet, Wifi and camera affiliated...

 everything is sold with an IP adress now adays and that gives them the technological loophole to look through your phones and computers and screenshot everything without having to physically look at your stuff from there base.

All of these products have been improved to be sold to you with IP Adresses which is the Internet and even if your Internet in a certain location doesn't work for you or is turned off by your provider it will always be active to The Government. The IP Adress/ the Internet coding that's been specifically given to that numbered Item, gives them the Loophole in there new developed system to open up and look all through your phones or computers or anything you bought without physically handling the device and can screenshot and monitor every single text message you've ever sent even if you delete it because everything you send to your trash can goes to the police first and they delete it after . This system also gives them the loophole to open your web cam without notice to your system showing you your camera is currently active with them fucking themselves to you in the shower or taking a dump. . This will also give them access to the microphone activity to monitor your conversations as well to not find anything threatening your planning. These are extremely violating tactical military maneuvers used all day everyday to trace your every step. Your on constant watch at intelligence collective Agency's WorldWide... Society has no idea that even if there not doing anything wrong that there rights world wide are being violated all day everyday anyway. and is going to continue whether you like it or not which should extremely alarm every one of you ... This is The new and improved 21st Century Domestic Surveillance Program And How It Works by The Following Agency's.



-Bigger City Provincial Police Departments

-U.S State Police Departments






-American Homeland Security




-Professional Computer Hackers that have Sick Morals...

-Anonymous which has the only good morals to use such things to protect you and has been doing so by helping with everything even though thousands verbally and politically bash the man for knowing more than what I've provided so far which is not

Even half of what has been hidden from the publics eye that I haven't even gotten to. I Leave The Rest up To Him because he's been a big world wide hero and deserves more credit than I for donating billions of dollars and other bits of hidden information he fucked off with to give all back to the world... I've Seen Talk Shows where He's been bashed on for speaking about Things that I've Talked About Such As God And Third Phase Of Moon ridiculed him for it and it's sickening.


Community Policing Advisory Committee (CPAC)

August 20, 2014 at 1:43am


This is a computer program given to local police departments, probation & parole officers, lawyers, crowns and court judges and jail guards to use throughout the justice act to work as one in the kangaroo court of lawlessness.
The program is used to show any outstanding warrants and warrants from other country's your to be extradited to go deal with.
This program is given to lawyers to help. Build a case to defend you against what the crown try's to point out to fuck you asking for the worst if a joined submission has not been or wanting to be made .
This program is to pass on the case the police have built against the accused to be given to the lawyers and crown that work on the disclosure/ evidence that's been provided to sort out what to do next when talking together to work out each case agreement... The probation office uses it to only look at what is currently going on with there client and to acknowledge there clients criminal background history along with psychiatrical and normal medical history along with anyone your not to associate legally with and what your currently going to court for.
This program holds on to your finger prints, your mugshots, your Blood they pry out along with your blood type and any other DNA You've provided for the system to have. Such as urine samples semen samples and hair swabs... This program will also show your legally registered to any firearm/prohibited firearm/restricted firearm/prohibited ammunition/ restricted ammunition/ regular ammunition/ prohibited devices/ restricted devices...This program also shows that you have registered Top Notch High Level Security Clearances to any Activity hidden from public eye you have rights to investigation to and handle all the credible restrictive evidence to do so and resume the procedures of the legal department that you professionalize in. This program also provides your legally registered drivers license and your registered Passport to travel anywhere in the world with. This program will also provide your legal citizenship to the country your registered from showing your native origins and what skin colour you are along with anything else they need to register to identify you with such as scar or tattoo markings, height, eye colour and hair colour


How The F.D.A Works

December 4, 2014 at 9:09am



The FDA Not only approves healthy foods and medications, but also approves unhealthy products by approving the legal amounts of the lethal chemicals used to make unhealthy medications and unhealthy foods. They approve just under the illegal amount of harmful chemicals used in the biochemistry/ during the making of the product to make that product.



A Domestic Surveillance Program

August 10, 2014 at 3:19pm



A Domestic Surveillance Program is when one country sends one or more of there own agents into another country to gather foreign intelligence/ information they've stolen to successfully smuggle the knowledge back to there own country and government to record and keep by doing what ever means necessary to gather that information and bring it back to there own country. They make sure none of what they've collected hits the media which includes the school system not allowing the general public to access what the government should supposedly only be allowed to handle because they think it would be traumatizing to the public if we knew anything of what they've gathered and stole from us to actually know what they keep trying to steer us all away from by causing man made disasters. Such as pointless wars. to set our eyes and ears in the opposite direction there working from hiding what's really going on . If your caught stealing foreign information your charges in court will be the charge of espionage/ treason/ telling the truth by ratting foreign governments out about what they've kept secret and another charge called terrorism and both charges stand together as one in court because if your charged with treason than you will also be charged with terrorism at the same time . And no matter where you are in the world the penalty is death by firing squad even if your in Canada where they don't have execution. Canada has made the exception to execute you as well for these charges like everywhere else in the world because treason is telling the truth to get the general public to revolt and turn on all figures of higher up authority and that's what every government is scared of.


The Last Of The UnWritten Revelations

August 29, 2013 at 7:



The Last Of The Revelations


If You Read All Of What I Have Written, you will find king Harod has kept lookout even after his death   and kept his law known and still in order to this day, keeping his tax paying sceam going with all the big things that proved Our Lord And Savior King Of Jews Exists And Still To This Day He Is Their Lord And Saviour And Died For Our Sins.

It's all the proof to every war crime

Before Christ. And It Started Off With The Jews And King Harod Hearing Of Christs Comming

Before The First Comming Of Christ.

 It all proves king Harod is still running the world with his same laws today and still tests The Lord in everyday life and expects a miracle to happen to prove He Was The King Of Jews. It says Do Not test the Lord, but they did Anyways Because It Was Ordered To Be Proven. And That's also how The court Systems All Around The World Keep The Tradition Today.


And Gods Existance were right then and there classified as national security risks and were to be kept secret and that's when the Masonic Free Masons Were Originally Born And to turn to the Anti Christ, which will hale In The Third Temple As His Throne.

Everything Up Till Now Has Been A Government Official War Crime



The Last Of The Revalations That Have Not Been Written Are Near


In the bible it said the blood flow down Jesus cross into the cracks of the earth onto the mercy seat

Which means: their was a crack formed in the earth for blood to flow down into the cracks of the earth with blood flowing down into the fissure in the earth and down out through the sealing of the cave in skull mountain all over the mercy seat which held the ark of the covenant,

Which tells my story on Ron Wyatt that man dug in through skull mountain at the cave eye looking caves. He found a cube looking figure In the wall and it had finger hinges under it and they

removed it and it went a meter down into the wall of the cave and they stuck a palastinian midget in through to look and they found books which marked the time of the new law of king solomon. He was taught magic

That he banned after the knowledge of such things because it was harmful witch craft and wizardry that the citizens were practicing, so then he ruled out it was to never be used or practiced again and then he said....I shall bury these under my throne... because the magic was the kind to kill and was demons in human form teaching the jewish people these things and turning them against God.


Then the palastinian went further and screamed Hopping outta the wall faster than the speed of light and says I'm not going in there screw you guys I'm goin home. So they dug through the wall and found the books and Ron went further than the others and found more chambers and went through and found a stone crate with a wood lid over top and inside was first old rotted animal skins and removed it and noticed all over the box was clumps of brownish blackish dried up blood and took a sample and under the animal skins was the solid gold box with a solid gold lid and on each side was solid gold Charabims and wouldn't touch it.

It once said in the bible before they changed them in 89

They found the following in the chamber beneath the crucifixion site and sign cut outs.


The Ark of the Covenant

The Table of Shewbread

The golden Altar of Incense

The Golden Censer

The 7-branched Lampstand (with bowl-like golden oil lamps built into the tips of the branches)(The Jewish Menorah)

A very large sword, 5' 2" long, most likely that of Goliath

An ephod

A miter with an ivory pomegranate on the tip

A brass shekel weight

Numerous oil lamps

A brass ring (This appeared to be for hanging a curtain or something similar)


 then found chariots at the bottom of the sea of the Red Sea, with no wheels on them and when they found those chariots they were covered in coral from 14 hundred Some odd B.C

It said God Look Down At The Egyptian Army And Made The Wheels Of The Chariots Fall Off And They All Fell Off.

The wheels were found separately off the chariots and the one chariot was a pharoahs chariot because the chariot wheels were made of gold

In those days to mark the leader of any royal traits and family was to make them look like a leader with gold and gem made chariots and keep them protected by there minions

They didnt show you the rest of the chariot or the ark of the covenant did they  because they weren't allowed to by a breech of national security the reason being because this all has to do with the military the outside world and immortality.


They also marked where Moses And The Jews Crossed The Red Sea With A Iron Post you can locate it on google earth.

The entrance to get to The Ark Of The Covenant is called Jaramiah's Grotto,

It said jaramiah sealed up the cave behind him.

This was 1989 they found this discovery and the sealed cave. After the dig was to be terminated and to go no further after what was found under the crucifixion site and thee Books of magic under the ruins of Solomons old Throne room that's why the Palestinian citizens are fighting the Jews and Christians and government to not let them dig history up anymore because deep down inside The Muslims know they are occupying a Jewish Holy Site and are the liars and should give back whats not theyres.


And your Vatican took baptism out of their religion. Baptism is suppose to be apart of new life which means a new start and new beginning no mattering what you've ever done in the past, as long as you believe in The Lord and really mean it.


The Vatican has changed gods law to allow homosexuality to be ok

And there for has defiled gods law.

Think about it, why would God make a law that he would later on change when he made the world at the beginning of time

And these are the potholes in the bible to be filled back in.

 The reason why the Jews were originally targeted by Adolf hitler was to interrogate and exterminate them to piss God Off knowing those were originally God's chosen people and now all dead. He wanted the ark of the covenant which is underneith the middle cross hole at the base of skull mountain/Golgotha because he thought it would've brang him power over all in everyway.


jaramiah sealed up the caves entrance behind him from hiding the ark of the covenant.

The jewish government wanted to keep digging but the Palastinian citizens won't let it happen and let them uncover the rest.


They said on the news the jewish people want to destroy the mosque for a third temple but that's after the rapture happens. For the people of the world that stay behind and have to deal with the mark of the beast then youll have to survive 7 years and your gonna have to choose whether to stick with Gods Law or the Beasts law.


Do you know why alcohol and tobacco are legal their both extremely lethal and will decrease the world population and make marijuana illegal because of its cancer killing affects when eaten and not lethal but healing.


They use you as lab rats by working your way up through their untested so called tested products that aren't natural and replace it with these man made unnatural things things

It doesn't matter who we are and the color of our skin because we all bleed red and we are all one and that one we came from is Jesus Christ our lord and saviour


And this brings us to the conclusion

To why this whole war on terrorists stuff started not over oil it's about religion

And for some wierd reason in the same year Ron Wyatt's discovery was found al Qaeda was paid 6 billion dollars in 1989 not long after the finding of the ark of the covenant and why. TO KEEP THERE MOUTH SHUT ABOUT WHAT'S ACTUALLY BEEN FOUND AND TO KEEP THERE SCAMS



Do you know why America is hated by a third of the world because the Arab race was paid to be targeted to cover up what was going on with that excavation under solomons temple with paying al qaeda 6 billion dollars

To help start the war on terror and confuse the worlds beliefs on who or what race started this war and now succeeded in having the world blame eachother. So it's who started this war and steered away from the (key word) (WHAT) started the war

And the weirdest thing is

The war didnt START Until 1989

RIGHT AFTER the descovery AND

AL QAEDA was paid the 6 Billion Dollars ALL IN 1989


And do you know how baptism means a new start and new life with a new beginning.?

Well the Vatican cut baptism out of their religion because it ment a new


And to them a new start is a new world order.


Ron Wyatt Was The Third Witness

Which is the holy the last is the spirit

Which means its now all been proven and he exists. Now it is up to the people to believe he is your lord and saviour and not your precious government with their foiled cover ups


As we mentioned earlier, the blood on the mercy seat was tested. Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. These are actually 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. Females are XX, so they can only contribute an X chromosome to their offspring, whereas males are XY, which allows them to contribute either an X or a Y. If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a Y, the child is male. The fascinating finding in this blood was that instead of 46 chromosomes, there were only 24. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing.

1John 5:8-11 says the water and the blood of Christ were in the earth at the time of writing, approximately 35 years after the cross. "And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." Furthermore it says that this water and blood is the testimony, or witness of God to the world, testifying to us that His Son died, "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son...And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. "

After 2000 Years We HaVe Still Tested The Lord For Proof Just Like The Jews Gods Chosen People Did To Proove It Was There King 2000 Years Ago And We Still Haven't Learned After The First Comming Of Christ But It Was foretold of publicizing and to expose the antichrist to the world and destroy him.

And to see this religious war was all started over not letting Jesus Right To His Own Rightful heir Throne.


And Jesus gave pitty to all off his children.


The movie the passion of the Christ was fabricated in ways to hide information tooken out of the bible to hide Everything Of Gods Existance


It proves the flood happened because they are also finding pyramids and crystal pyramids with ancient egyptian and greek looking structures in the ocean on the sea floors too from 4800 years ago.

In the bible it spicificly said subliminally.

. God Created the heavens and the earth in seven days and made Man Kind His Last Creation.

The Neanderthals were the Giants that were the first humans 6000 years ago. the time of the dinosaurs when they walked the earth which was the same time as the dinosaurs and they rided them.remains found in north Kenya to be the oldest of the beginning of the human evolution found which it said in the Bible God made mankind his last creation after god built the heavens and the earth at the beginning of time and it also says god made mistakes along the way he made a few creations of man he didnt find right like the Giants so he flooded 4800 years ago and thats how all the dinosaurs and Giants died. and your fourty days and fourty nights theory and how it flooded the earth with rain well that was to wipe out the dinosaurs and the neanderthals and make mankind the top of the food chain and destroy the dinosaurs so they wouldn't wreck mans creations and history ruins because some of these creatures were as big as skyscrapers.

This is what destroys your theory of evolution and the rainbow was to mean God won't ever flood the earth again.

And to give the humans the power to hail over any other animal or plant insect species. And Faggots took the rainbow and turned it into an abomination towards god and when god told Adam and eve not to touch the fruit of the tree of knowledge which was the apple and they did anyways well that's where the word fruit comes from.

Why do you think it was only male and female pairs of every type of different species only allowed on the ark noah Built before The Ordered WorldWide Flood Of Fourty Days And Fourty Nights and to destroy everything else that has sinned and would rein over humanity in a destructful way

And that's how Fags stole the rainbow and used it against God And What He Did And Stood For. This Proves God Said that Homosexuality Is An Abomination.


Noah's Ark was found on Doomsday mountain in the mountains of Ararat it with the same biblical measurements and description of how to exactly make it. they are finding crystal pyramids in the bermuda triangle and old palaces under hundreds of feet of water, this shows that God did flood the world and thats how the dinosaurs and Giant nephilims died, those bones are only 4800 years old.


6 Levites they thought were of holy descent were sent into Jeremiah's grotto and never came out and died inside on the way to the chamber where the ark rests and they went In with the wrong intensions of wanting to move it into satans territory and god was and will always be ten steps ahead and Ron had to be flown to Jeremiah's grotto to get the six dead Levites out using a huge basket and hundreds of feet of rope and the they sealed it back up after the incident


Do not worship me

And share the prophecy


The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) is an amendment to the United States Constitution and part of the Bill of Rights. It prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted in response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, a type of general search warrant issued by the British Government and a major source of tension in pre-Revolutionary America. The Fourth Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789 by James Madison, along with the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, in response to Anti-Federalist objections to the new Constitution. Congress proposed the amendment to the states on September 28, 1789, and by December 15, 1791, the necessary three-quarters of the states had ratified it. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced the adoption of the amendment on March 1, 1792.

Because the Bill of Rights did not initially apply to the states, and federal criminal investigations were less common in the first century of the nation's history, there is little significant case law for the Fourth Amendment before the 20th century. The amendment was held to apply to the states in Wolf v. Colorado (1949).


Under the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer who has sworn by it. Fourth Amendment case law deals with three central questions: what government activities constitute "search" and "seizure"; what constitutes probable cause for these actions; and how violations of Fourth Amendment rights should be addressed. Early court decisions limited the amendment's scope to a law enforcement officer's physical intrusion onto private property, but with Katz v. United States (1967), the US Supreme Court held that its protections extended to the privacy of individuals as well as physical locations. Law enforcement requires a warrant for most search and seizure activities, but the Court has defined a series of exceptions for consent searches, motor vehicle searches, evidence in plain view, exigent circumstances, border searches, and other situations.


The amendment is enforced by the exclusionary rule. Established by Weeks v. United States (1914), this rule holds that evidence obtained through a Fourth Amendment violation is generally inadmissible at criminal trials. Evidence discovered as a later result of an illegal search may also be inadmissible as "fruit of the poisonous tree" unless it would have inevitably been discovered by legal means.



The FBI Said Eric snowden thought there was a potential threat and violation to the people of America in The Fourth Ammendmant so he blew the whistle they exactly said

And that's

Watch the interview


This means no other country is allowed to reinvestigate any crime that happened in america anywhere before the 20th century and the first century. And before the first century. The first century was the comming and birth of Christ which ment the beginning of the century began right when he was born which was 2013 exact years ago



Report: Secret US intelligence budget warned of 4,000 NSA insider threats

By Associated Press,August 29, 2013 right after the cyber threat post leaking from Canada was made and the world is now against the United States because of the comming of world war three on home grown terrorism with America's people not wanting to go to war and neither does Canada and so America's own people and the other three quarters of the world are against obamas demand to go to war but not yet fully made because if they do its checkmate for him


The latest revelations also disclosed limited details about the highly classified 2013 intelligence “black budget,” which previously only provided a topline of nearly $53 billion. The $52.6 billion intelligence budget described by the Post discloses that the NSA’s portion was $10.5 billion in 2013 — outstripped only by the CIA’s $14.7 billion.


Aftergood said the CIA’s budget growth from $3 billion in the 1990s to nearly $15 billion likely reflects its post-9/11 push into drone warfare and paramilitary operations overseas.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

To the ones who risked everything to show the world the real side of it... Ron Wyatt, Edward Snowden, Alex Jones, Tupac, Biggy Smalls, Paul Begley, Anita Feuntes, Vinnie Paz, Immortal Technique, and to the rest who remain anonymous doing things not for personal gain and fame. 

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Drug & alcohol prohibition

July 22, 2014 at 8:22pm



The government and the old people that are still alive from being around during the time of the prohibition are trying to nanny it to keep it going.

This prohibition was to help start the industrial revolution by taking off the market what heals and cures and to start placing on the market what helps kill , contaminate and eradicate to help with there tactics of population control.

-Your SSRI's/ Anti-psychotics are guaranteed to make someone homicidal and or suicidal. These medications are also garanteed to be cut with mercury and fluoride .

- Prozac is made and cut with Fluoride.

- Zoloft is made and cut with Fluoride.

- Paxel is made and cut with Fluoride.

-Kids Iced Cream is also guaranteed to be cut with Fluoride

- Your tap water is guaranteed to be filled with Fluoride .

- the breast cancer medications your given are to help. Increase your chances to die and not to decrease them .

Your farmers markets aren't 100% organic. They pump the food they give you full of un wanted unnatural ingredients and is just a way to shut the public up and to keep tricking the public into thinking your safe instead of buying from your grocery store ,when you should be growing your own to guarantee now unwanted unnatural add in ingredients.


Human/Animal Hybrid Testing

December 4, 2014 at 5:35pm



Human/Animal hybrids in the tens of thousands if privately owned government laboratories are for testing new vaccines and medications that haven't made it to the legal street market yet, that are still in testing on these half human and half animal hybrids.
They need to use Human DNA to Hybrid It with compatible animal DNA for human traits to make sure untested products they test on these human/animal hybrids are compatible with the real human DNA traits in that "being" before they place these products on the human consumption billion dollar market..
They need to make sure these products are compatible with the Human traits of that Human/Animal being to be sure that it's safe in barely legal ammounts for the FDA To Approve Of Such Products...

IFrantic Art bell Area 51 call


The call took place in 1997 . A man claiming to of worked for a good period of time at the military base located in the desert of Phoenix Arizona said he was let go on a medical discharge a week prior to making the frantic call to the art bell talk show. The call went on for 2 full minutes and was knocked off the air by the satellite mysteriously shutting straight down during the call. The satellite went straight to a back up state generator from the satellite failure. The caller didn't call back and art went to the viewers who were listening to the call and viewers pointed out that the call stopped 15-20 seconds into the call and viewers started hearing mark fermin which was an interception that the government put in place, since they have control of the media. the call lasted 2 minutes and the satellite was knocked off at the 2 minute point inside the studio, which means this was the clip played and recorded from inside the studio since the call lasted the 2 full minutes and recorded everything that man said, and only 15-20 seconds on the radio end of the listening viewers shows this wasn't a viewers recording, placed on the Internet . This clip was kept out of hope to show somewhere it could widely spread. These are the forensics of this call to show the stuff the military did to twist this call and confuse the viewers to retardify the viewers blinding the people to keep it a conspiracy . They even had the man pretend to call back when it was only a guy with an almost exact vocal match. You can hear the vocals are extremely off and can tell it is a vocal replacement that sounded straight off from what the original man sounded like . and said it was a joke when it wasn't by creating the actual reality by having the call knocked off air with the satellite shutting right down into a back up state . A joke does not do that lady's and gentlemen. That man has been killed after the mans position was flat out coordinated by the quick call trace out and eradicated for doing such a heatscore move. Listen to the call . It's a real talk show .

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