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Ordering or buying parts is not an illegal thing to do, what you do with those parts if you put them together with other parts very well might break local laws but you are responsible for your own actions because you are an adult.

Parts do not break the law, getting parts does not mean you are going to break the law because you have to actually break the law to be in violation.

If you have a glass pipe that does not mean you are going to use it for smoking illegal drugs providing it is clean and possessing it is not illegal, if it is dirty that changes the story.

Principles are the same with knife parts, so it is important to know the freedoms and the rights you have and no one but you can defend and fight for them. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU CAUSING HARM TO PEOPLE OR ANIMALS AND IT IS YOUR FAULT FOR ASSEMBLING OUR KNIFE AND STUN GUN KITS AND GETTING CAUGHT WITH THEM IF IT IS ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO POSSESS THEM. PSYLOCYBIN CUBENSIS MUSHROOM SPORES ARE FOR MICROSCOPY RESEARCH ONLY and not available in the US states: California, Georgia or Idaho.

Remember shipments of Knives, Tasers and OTF Spike Kits will be sent in several packages to Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Netherlands, New Zealand, & Sweden due to customs regulations. Do not be alarmed when packages do not have everything, please be patient and wait for all shipments to arrive safely.







Shipping To Australia & New Zealand

Gooday m8.

SMALLER ORDERS - I like the fact that you want to order lots of things but this will cause problems, the heavier the package the more likey it is to be searched.  So order like items, not items all over that place, you don't want batons with knives and dusters and stun guns.  If you want these then place separate orders so things can be split up and sent safer to you.

Email me if you have questions about known problems with import & high risk things to consider.

Want Balisong Butterfly Knife

We Got It

Want Switchblades

We Got It

You can order from any of my websites however the above two are the best for your needs, all items that have import issues will be shipped in parts.

The only execption is if you are military, law enforcement or are a prop company for theater and television and you will need to email me the import permit.

If no permit is emailed to me then things will be shipped in parts

NO DOUBLE EDGED DAGGERS ever at all unless you get a PERMIT.

I will file the top edge off the blade so it is single edged unless you email me the permit or put in the comments that you will accept the risk.

(Even with single edged daggers customs can still seize things saying that you can sharpen things to dual edge, this is not a valid reason.  Tasmania daggers are legal and some make it fine but by import law you still are suppose to have a permit.  Western Australia & South Australia daggers are legal as well but again import laws.  Port of entry determines how harsh customs can be they are much more anal about things in Sydney and mail can arrive at several ports of entrance and there is no way of knowing where once shipped.)

Now lets be blunt, don't be stupid because you damn well know knuckle dusters are illegal and they are illegal to import so if you get some notion to import then you are liable for your actions, if they make it well fine, if not then don't cry about the risk that you took.  If you want to be able to justify your behavior then try a belt buckle model and even then you might have to argue your valid statements to customs.

Ordering parts is not an illegal thing to do, what you do with those parts if you put them together with other parts very well might break local laws but you are responsible for your own actions because you are an adult.

You are responsible for your own actions and responsible for knowing your own country’s laws.


I does not matter if it is a Sex Pin model or Comb model Customs sometimes seizes them just based on the look.  This does not happen all the time but does, so accept the risk factor of this matter or place your order and add in 3 of the Slotted Pivots or Large Brass Pins and put a note to me to completely take the knife apart to pieces and I will do this for you.  This is the smarter option for more expensive models if you don't like to risk things as much.  Ask questions before you buy Italian Stilettos because these can be more problamatic just because of the look of things.

New Zealand:

I am actually impressed with the postal service in NZ it is pretty damn good, but tracking is the same story as below.

Customs is not really that anal like Australia, they don't put up with illegal assembled imports so don't try doing it, stick with the rules and import what is legal with kits in parts and pieces.

Known Issues with AUSTRALIA POST

Just like any government agency on the planet people who work for the government are lazy and do is a piss poor job.

The only honorable jobs in the governent are firefighters and the military because they put their lives on the line for people and most times for people who are ungrateful.

But lets get back to the point, shipping to Australia most times takes 7 to 10 days by normal post however customs can delay things for 45 to 60 days.

So if you are a control freak and want your items quickly then don’t be a cheap ass about things and use EXPRESS MAIL as the shipping option.

If you use EXPRESS MAIL, things arrive quickly and Customs do not hold things as long for inspection but sometimes this is not a wise choice to use dpending on the items.

Tracking with AUSTRALIA POST

  • Standard Letter Post is fine in most cases, but people who are manic and crazy that desire tracking then it is suggested that they use only EXPRESS MAIL.

  • Express Mail is 5 to 7 days with no delays in customs processing and Customs Labels begin with E

  • So again, to drill it into your heads, in fact smack yourself upside your head, so that you know you are paying attention to things, only EXPRESS MAIL has tracking that works all the time.

  • Issues with tracking can occur if Express Mail is not used. Lost mail, seizures, and stolen mail are all issues the buyer will assume unless they use Express Mail.

  • Shipping Times for internatinal shipments via letter post, normal post, & Priority are 10 to 25 days but customs can delay things for 60 days, this is not normal but can occur.

  • No shipments internationally will have tracking with Letter Post and the Customs Labels begin with LN

  • Does that mean that Letter Post does not work? No it works fine but tracking is not available to most places with this method.

  • Normal Post & Priority have Customs Labels begin with LZ and should be trackable.

Don’t take anything as an insult to Australians, I absolutely like Australians, infact you guys are the best customers in the world, very friendly and understanding but take the time to read things and be patient if you decide with lower cost shipping methods.

Shipping Addresses

Using Multiple Shipping Addresses will speed things up with the multiple shipments, so if you have multiple shipping addresses please put them in the comment section on the order and tell me which addresses to ship to so that your order shipments can be sent quicker than using just one address.  Multiple addresses are not needed but it will speed things along.

Known Problems for Australia

Customs Can & Do Seize Things - That means they take things so it is advised to order knives that I also sell parts for so if the unfortunate issue happens then you are able to try again for the specific part you want.  If you want to take risks then make sure you understand everything because lost packages & packages taken from customs are not my fault and you are warned of the issues, only Express Mail has tracking that is manditory for customs to update all others they are slow at, some work sometimes but that means nothing, so again if you are insane about tracking things and have OCD and manic behavior then you must use Express Mail.  I do ship things, you will receive the email with Customs Labels and I will not reply to any emails about you can not use them to find status of the shipment because it is well established of the problem.  You have the best probability with me for success at import, most times there are not issues but that does not mean it does not occur.  Customs is suppose to send you notices but they do not all the time so do not tell me this either because I know for a fact it is untrue.  There have been Australian clients who have received things 9 months later because they do hold things for what and why, who the hell knows, like I said packages go missing and they are taken, it will not happen to all packages but can to a specific part and why I am going over this with you repeatedly because I do not want the emails about this becuase we know this is a problem that you have already accepted and are an adult and understand that things are not in my control once I ship them and you receive the notice that the order is shipped and completed.  Don't bother worrying about things until at least 60 days have past anything before this is childish and impatient unless it went Express and that is not advised either.  It is a matter of accepting risk because of where you live.

I been in business since 2007 and I have to say that Australians are the nicest people hands down.  Australians take the time to read things and never place blame on other people and I have to say I appreciate Australians more than any other group of people I have ever dealt with. However, Australian Customs are a bunch of fannies and they should be asshamed at the job they have.

Australia is the hardest place to import to on the planet even communist countries are easier.  I am greatly saddened by how many stupid laws Australia has let come into existence.  There are many issues with shipping to Australia so it is best you email me and chat with me so we can discuss the risks and percentage rate of successful shipping of the particular item you wish to buy.

If you just make a purchase then I assume you know how to read and that you are assuming all the risk of your actions, so no crying from orders with no questions or impulse you are adults and I want to thank you Aussies for being the best customers I have with understanding and patience.

Please report all problems that you have with customs to:

If you are within your legal rights and Australian Customs is doing Illegal seizure and stealing things which is quite common, file complaints.

If more you Australians make complaints then it will force a governmental investigation into the matter and make Australian Customs comply with the Constitutional laws that govern everyone and everything in Australia.

Remember that if Aussie Customs seize and destroy your goods they are breaking current US and Australian trade agreements because the property belongs to a US company and seizing items that are legal on speculation is a blatant violation of many laws and reporting this matter to the Ombudsman is recommended to put a stop to Australian Customs breaking laws and doing as they please.

Australian Customs has blatantly forgotten that they are to enforce laws, not make new ones up, not interpret laws, not violate laws.  Remember Australians you have no rights at all unless you fight for them.  We Americans had the same problem with US Customs and it took Congress and the Senate to put them back in their place in 2009 over issues with knives.  I hope Australians stand up to the violations of their Constitution and put an end to Australian Customs thinking they can make up laws and do as they please.  So from across the pond a nice FUCK YOU to all you arseholes who work in Aussie Customs.

The Australian Super Hero Is Here To Help You, The

The OMBUDSMAN is the there to help all my Australian Customers.  Remember to file reports against Australian Customs for not sealing up your packages correctly, file complaints against them for loosing items from your package because of their horrible job sealing the package after they inspect it.  Make sure you file this even if Australian Customs does not open the package or inspect it, do this as a friendly reminder to them that they need more paperwork to do instead of being assholes to you as citizens.  File complaints that you think Australian Customs is wasting your tax paying money on searching packages that they can Xray and in fact they did Xray the package and still opened it.  File complaints that you are disgusted that customs is not doing their jobs to stop drugs and illegal immigrants and the real prolbems that occur in Australia and are spending time searching your mail that has nothing illegal in the package.  File complaints that you feel Australian Customs harasses the good people of Australia.  File complaints that Australian Customs is breaking the law and is a criminal branch of government that needs to be dealt with.  Australian Customs is there to uphold the law in how it is written.  If the speed limit is 30 mph then it is not acceptable to give you a ticket for going 30 mph.  The law is specifc and is written and specified for a reason and Australian Customs must, that means MUST OBEY THE LAWS OF AUSTRALIA.  Australian Customs will ignore you, they will try to punish you, they will speculate that you are a criminal and will file false reports to the Federal Police against you.  Australian Customs must be stopped by the GOOD PEOPLE of Australia.  The OMBUDSMAN is the TRUE AUSTRALIAN HERO and talk to him. 

If someone orders a glass smoking pipe, is it fair that Australian Customs speculates that you are going to use it for drugs and then seize the shipment and send in the Federal Police to arrest you?  No they do not do this at all.




For the country that leads the way for outdoor activities and the American view of Crocodile Dundee with a big knife, the truth sadly is far from that.

The wankers in customs and the liberal sissy government that seems to want to control all the real men down under have put such stupid rules on import with knives that it is truly the most shameful Customs regulations on the planet.

So to all the great people from Australia, you do have to play by the rules, otherwise the morons in Australian Customs will be an issue for you most times, true you can gamble and take your chances which is entirely up to you guys but I am honest about things and Aussie Customs really are arseholes.

So I will help you play by the rules, because Australian Customs is there to enforce the laws, not to make up laws as they feel fit.  It is up to the government to establish the laws and Customs is to enforce those laws.  However, the morons in Australian Customs do think they can do as they please and there have been many lawsuits to put them into their perspective place.

But the truth is it is best to avoid these idiots altogether and use the rules to play the game.




Allow import of lawful knives into Australia


One big issue for you guys down under are DAGGER blades.

Aussie Customs also views KRIS blades as Daggers, go figure what fannies.

Only guys in SA and WA are allowed to import such items and TAS, but the Fannies in Customs will say you need a permit and contact the police and the police will say you don't need a permit.  So anotherwords your fucked by bureaucracy shite.

If you live in QLD, VIC, NSW, ACT then Australian Customs does enforce bans on DAGGERS because of the local state laws.

So if you do order them, then realize the risk you take simply with the style of blade.

But remember that in the legal definition of a dagger on Australian Customs it states it is a double edged blade and the law defines a dagger as doubled edged.  So I file the edge off the backside and make it single edged thus this complies to the laws that are written and Australian Customs can not enforce anything other than what is stated.


Australian Customs states you need to have an IMPORT PERMIT which is issued by the state police in the state you live in, which is fine send me the permit and I will print it and place it in the order when shipping it so the idiots is Australian Customs can go screw with some other package, hey maybe the illegal drugs, which seem to cause more problems, but hey don’t let me tell lazy people how to do their jobs.

So if you want FULL AUTOMATIC KNIVES, or STUN GUNS, or in some states DAGGERS then get the PERMIT you need.

If you don’t have the PERMIT then you all are adults and assume you own consequences for your actions, but I do intend to help you play by the rules as you can see with the Categories that I have.



Now with ASSISTED OPENING KNIVES, you need to go to the local police and ask if they are illegal to have, they will tell you they are completely legal and that you are allowed them.  So if they are legal then you do not need an import permit for such items, but you need this documented, with the police officer you spoke with.  Why?  Australian Customs seems to think they are illegal, so you must use the laws to support the truth.  The truth is you need a permit for restricted items, the local police issue these permits and if they tell you that you don’t need them because they are legal then you are allowed to have them under the current laws.  Australia Customs will fight you on this but supply the evidence and they will be forced to adhere to the laws because they are not allowed to make laws up as they please.


Remember just like anywhere in the world, you only have the rights that you are willing to fight for.


So ofcourse, I take pre-cautions for you guys with these items because I know Australia Customs are a bunch of thieving rat bastards and I hope those of you fannies who work for them enjoy what I have to say about you because you truly are the most disgraceful scumbags who steal and punish law abiding citizens and I personally think you should pull your finger out and go do your job and stop drugs and perhaps illegal immigrants and more serious problem rather than piss with reaping misery to good working Australians.  Then, truly think about your pathetic job guys because your statistical data is flawed, no one in their right mind uses a folding knife to commit crimes, they fall into a 5% minority while FIXED BLADES such as machettes and kitchen knives are used, so perhaps you should issue permits for Kitchen knives and use statistical data correctly.





Thank You for contacting Australian Customs and Border Protection Services

Under current legislation “training” butterfly knives are not controlled under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 therefore permission to import is not required. Yours Sincerely, Somsay M


Customs and Border Protection Officer | Customs Information and Support Centre

Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

Customs House, 10 Cooks River Drive, Mascot NSW 2020

P: 1300 363 263 | F: 02 8339 6713 |




And the major clincher of them all for the wankers in Aussie Customs:

There are Australian constitutional issues, federal and International law issues with import and if they cause you any problems remember this:

Because you didn’t ship anything and the items don’t belong to you until you receive the items, then if Customs intercepts them you still don’t own them.  So if Aussie Customs tries to destroy property that belongs to me, a United States national, then this is in contravention to US Australia Trade agreements.  So they legally have to return the items to the sender if they want to play games with you, or pay for the loss of goods that didn’t belong to you.

Like I said, you only have the rights you fight for, that goes for all of us around the world.



Then try to be smart and realize some items are prohibited and not allowed to be imported so use your head and order things from the KIT websites.  Ordering parts is not an illegal thing to do, what you do with those parts if you put them together with other parts very well might break local laws but you are responsible for your own actions because you are an adult.




Shipping To The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Orders To UK Are Welcome.

Email me if you have questions and we will make sure your import is legal.

You can order from any of my websites however the above two are the best for your needs, all items that have import issues will be shipped in parts.

The only execption is if you are military, law enforcement or are a prop company for theater and television and you will need to email me the import permit.

If no permit is emailed to me then things will be shipped in parts

Ordering parts is not an illegal thing to do, what you do with those parts if you put them together with other parts very well might break local laws but you are responsible for your own actions because you are an adult.

You are responsible for your own actions and responsible for knowing your own country’s laws.

Known Issues with BRITISH POST

Just like any government agency on the planet people who work for the government are lazy and do is a piss poor job.

The only honorable jobs in the governent are firefighters and the military because they put their lives on the line for people and most times for people who are ungrateful.

But lets get back to the point, shipping to the UK most times takes 7 to 10 days by normal post however customs can delay things for 45 days.

So if you are a control freak and want your items quickly then don’t be a cheap ass about things and use EXPRESS MAIL as the shipping option.

If you use EXPRESS MAIL, things arrive quickly and Canadian Customs are not such assholes with things either.

Tracking with BRITISH POST

  • Standard Letter Post is fine in most cases, but people who are manic and crazy that desire tracking then it is suggested that they use only EXPRESS MAIL.

  • Express Mail is 5 to 7 days with no delays in customs processing and Customs Labels begin with E

  • So again, to drill it into your heads, in fact smack yourself upside your head, so that you know you are paying attention to things, only EXPRESS MAIL has tracking that works all the time.

  • Issues with tracking can occur if Express Mail is not used. Lost mail, seizures, and stolen mail are all issues the buyer will assume unless they use Express Mail.

  • Shipping Times for internatinal shipments via letter post, normal post, & Priority are 7-10 days but customs can delay things for 45 days, this is not normal but can occur.

  • No shipments internationally will have tracking with Letter Post and the Customs Labels begin with LN

  • Does that mean that Letter Post does not work? No it works fine but tracking is not available to most places with this method.

  • Normal Post & Priority have Customs Labels begin with LZ and should be trackable.

Shipping Addresses

Using Multiple Shipping Addresses will speed things up with the multiple shipments, so if you have multiple shipping addresses please put them in the comment section on the order and tell me which addresses to ship to so that your order shipments can be sent quicker than using just one address.  Multiple addresses are not needed but it will speed things along.

Don’t take anything as an insult to Brits because I am one and I will be offended well before you decide to be.

Learn The Legality Of This & Justify Things Correctly For Work

Don’t take anything as an insult to Brits because I am one and I will be offended well before you decide to be.

On 17th April, 2008 Barber William Seyssel of Blades of Glory was allowed to use and have a FLICK KNIFE.  Flick knives are illegal in this country but are lawful if used as part of a profession.

Read more:

Now to me this is fine, a little stupid if you ask me on a personal note but fine because I believe in the freedom to live life and to have rights.  So with this guy being able to have it for his job, then I believe anyone in the MILITARY in the UK, who is Law Enforcement, an Electrician, a Worker of any sort that needs the item for day to day work tasks is legal under the law and this is solid proof of this that you can argue in a court of law and win.

HM Customs is a pain in the arse so don’t fool yourself.

I completely understand how to ship back home m8’s and I will go out of my way to help you guys, so feel free to email me with any questions that you might have.

The best to avoid the fannies in HM Customs is to use the rules to play the game.

If HM Customs really did their jobs to keep Brits safe, well they would address the issues with scumbag immigrants that seem to want to kill the native people instead of reaping misery on those who are seriously from the country.

HM Customs Agents are a bunch of wankers, I ship to the Briitish Military all the time, but guys, you can’t order Automatic Knives period, even if you take bullets in Iraq and Afganistan and fight alone side the Americans, the fannies back home with jobs that mean nothing more than a drain on tax payer money seem to pull their pants up and think they have supremacy.  So you will have to have a permit or simply avoid all the nonsense and order KIT models.

The liberal sissies that contol the UK have made it so that good hard working real British people can’t do anything to protect themselves or defend themselves.  I truly hate politicians and their corrupt views because they are such a bunch of lieing, thieving tossers that deserve to be hung themselves.

You can go buy a MACHETTE in London with no problem.  I would like to know what exactly do you use a machette for in London?

What is the point?

Knife Crime is a problem in the UK, that is true.  But what do they use to commit crimes?

Statistically, they use FIXED BLADE KNIVES.


Any moron with half a brain would never use a knife that folds to stab things because if the lock fails then you wouldn’t have any fingers left.

So if you use the data correctly then KITCHEN KNIVES and those MACHETTES are the real problem, so perhaps you should have permits and licensing for such knives and leave the pocket knives in the hands of the law abiding citizens.

Then honestly, if knife crime is such a problem with the youth, won’t don’t you address the real issues.  You allow your children to play violent games, watch violent shows and don’t discipline them at all.  I honestly think the British are failing at raising their youth because they have piss pour parenting skills and perhaps the real issue of this should be addressed instead of blaming objects and things for the trouble of the youths.  You have to get a license to do anything in the UK so perhaps they should issuse a license to be able to be a parent.

Grow some balls for a change, pull the finger out of your arse and accept the truth of the matter and deal with the problem and stop placing the blame on other people and objects for your failures with things.

If being a parent is to raise your children and prepare them for the adult world, then I’d like to ask you what would happen if you went up to a police officier and told him to "Go Fuck Himself" or insult him?

Let’s see in most places you’d get your ass kicked, beaten with a club, handcuffed and then thrown into the back of a car and taken to jail.

Huh, so talking back to your parents means you should get spanked and sent to time out becasue that is what real life experience is but the liberal sissy idiots argue that it is child abuse.

No, it really isn’t because it teaches the truth with consequences and really does prepare for the adult world.  I didn’t say to abuse childern, so don’t take me out of context either.

That is my rant, now back to business.

There are exemptions to things, butterfly knives are legal to own in the UK but you can’t carry them around in public at all and they are banned as an import, so guys use your head and play by the rules and you know what I mean because I specifically set up Categories for you.

Then Automatics actually are not illegal in the home or at work providing that they pre-date the 1958 ban, or you can prove you need it for work.  There is an idiot in London who cuts hair with an Italian Stiletto Filick Knife and he is allowed to have it at work becasue it is a tool he claims he needs for work.

Pretty much rubbish to me, but I like his style because it take precedence to those who need it for a construction job, those that might have arthritis, or some physical ailment, or anyone that can justify their reason to have it at work.

Fire brigade, Police, Ambulance, or any Rescue, Military you guys all have ample reasons to have such a tool to work with.

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